Personalized Hedge Fund Grade Research Reports On The Stocks You Are Trading?

If you are interested in getting personalized research reports on the stocks that you are trading or you want to trade, just submit the ticker symbol and receive an indepth analysis from Benzinga News Desk the next morning. Most amateur traders do their own research using the Yahoo Stock Research Center. Doing your own analysis is good. But you need experience to shift through the different reports. Why not take help from professionals? If you are planning to invest a few thousand dollars on a stock, simply by paying $20/month, you can get professional hedge fund grade research reports every morning on the stocks that you are looking to trade. On Demand Ticker Analysis is done by Jake L’Ecuyer.

On Demand Ticker Analysis

Simply by subscribing to the Marketfy On Demand Ticker Analysis for a small monthly subscription of $20/month, you can avoid making costly investing mistakes that can cost you thousands of dollars. Jake L’Ecuyer is an analyst on the BenzingaPro newsdesk, he monitors market fluctuations and trends to keep subscribers up to speed with the latest movements. Daily Ticker Analysis provides you the change to access access information that normally the hedge fund and the prop desks can only afford. Daily you can submit your ticker and get the detailed analysis from BenzingaPRO Newsdesk the next morning plus you also get an addition stock the newsdesk is watching that day.