Institute Of Trading And Portfolio Management South Africa Documentary

You might have seen the Million Dollar Trading Program Caribbean documentary. This program is being run by the Institute of Trading And Portfolio Management.Anton Kreil is the managing partner of this institute. You can apply for this program online. The application process should be started at least 6 weeks before the start of the training. Watch the video below in which 8 new traders from around the world joined the Managing Partner Anton Kriel in Cape Town South Africa for the 3 month long Trader Mentoring Program training.

After watching the video you might be wondering this must be an expensive training program. We have no idea but we also believe that if you want to join the training you will have to fork out thousands of dollars. You can fill the application online and get to know the details of the training program and the cost. Now we want to make it clear that we are in no way affiliated with these people. We just found this video interesting on youtube and decided to post it on our blog. The quality of the video is high meaning it has been made by professionals.

But we want to tell you that you don’t need to join expensive training programs just to learn how to trade. You can learn how to trade on your own. Learning how to successfully trade is not difficult at all. If you are winning, you have become a successful trader. If you are losing, it simply means you are not successful and you need to work more. We believe the best traders and the best scientists and thinkers in the world are self taught. You just need passion and determination to win no matter what field you are whether it is sports, business, love etc. There are many resources freely available online that can help you get started. Just learn how to read the charts and how to determine the market direction. This is the crux. Of course many people take a long time just figuring out how to determine the future market direction by looking at the charts.